Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver
For Immediate Release
Vancouverites Take a Stand for Justice!
102nd Monthly Picket Action to Free ALL the Cuban 5 in front of the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver!
Monday, MAY 5, 2020
U.S. Consulate
1075 W. Pender Street @ Thurlow Street, Vancouver
Press contact: Alison Bodine 604-518-7361
On Monday, May 5 people in Vancouver will return to the U.S. Consulate once again to demand freedom for the Cuban 5, political prisoners held in U.S. jails.
In a recent interview Fernando González, one of the Cuban 5 Heroes that was released from U.S. prison and returned to Cuba in late February, explained the reason that the Cuban 5 were arrested and imprisoned over 15 years ago. He said, “We were punished for having worked on behalf of the Cuban people, on behalf of the Cuban revolution, and even for working for the U.S. people, since we thwarted terrorist actions that might have harmed them.”
“For these heroic actions the Cuban 5 have already served long sentences away from their family, friends and homeland of Cuba. Now Rene and Fernando have been released, but Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino and Antonio Guerrero, remain behind U.S. prison bars,” said Alison Bodine, chair of the Free the Cuban 5 Committee – Vancouver. “As we gather here in Vancouver today voices of peace and justice-loving people from Vancouver to Washington DC and around the world are becoming louder and louder, demanding immediate freedom for ALL of the Cuban 5,” she continued.
May 5th will also mark the 6th consecutive monthly protest in Ottawa, and will be the first monthly action to take place in Seattle, Washington for freedom for ALL of the Cuban 5. These actions are part of an international day of action known as the “5th of each month for the Cuban 5,” where people around the world will be protesting, writing letters, and using social media to demand freedom for all of the Cuban 5.
The “Cuban 5” are political prisoners wrongfully arrested and convicted of “conspiracy to commit” espionage in the U.S. Their “crime” was to infiltrate and expose U.S.-based anti-Cuba terrorist organizations who have killed 3500 people in Cuba since 1959. The Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver is one of over 300 committees working worldwide to demand their immediate release.
Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver
Vancouver Marks 100th Consecutive Monthly Picket Action at U.S Consulate to Demand, “Free ALL the Cuban 5 Political Prisoners Held in U.S. Jails Now!”
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Fernando González, one of the Cuban 5, Released from U.S. Prison and now in Cuba!
MARCH 5, 2020
>> 11am-4pm Concert and Vigil
>> 4pm-5pm 100th Picket Action
U.S. Consulate
1075 W. Pender Street @ Thurlow Street,
Press contact: Noah Fine
On February 27 2020, Fernando González was released from U.S. prisons after completing an unjust sentence of over 15 years. He has now returned to Cuba and has joined his wife and family after a long absence.
Today, the Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver and its supporters will gather for the 100th consecutive month in front of the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver to demand the release of all of the Cuban 5 political prisoners held in US jails.
Given the significance of the 100th consecutive picket, simultaneous actions will also take place in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, San Francisco, Chicago, Hartford and Mexico City.
“Fernando’s release has reminded us all of the huge hardship the Cuban 5 and their families have endured for over 15 years of unjust imprisonment,” said Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver Co-Coordinator Alison Bodine, “We will come to the U.S. Consulate for 100th time today, and we will continue coming until all 5 of these brave political prisoners are free.”
The “Cuban 5” are political prisoners wrongfully arrested and convicted of “conspiracy to commit” espionage in the U.S. Their “crime” was to infiltrate and expose U.S.-based anti-Cuba terrorist organizations who have killed 3500 people in Cuba since 1959. The Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver is one of over 300 committees working worldwide to demand their immediate release.
Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver
Press contact: Noah Fine, 604.719.6947
Cuban Ambassador to Canada Visits Vancouver & British Columbia
March 5 – 8, 2020
Vancouver and British Columbia will welcome the Cuban Ambassador to Canada, his Excellency Julio Garmendia Peña in a visit to British Columbia from March 5-8, 2020.
During the visit, Ambassador Garmendía will be available for interviews and able to speak on the current state of Canada-Cuba relations, politics and life in Cuba today and the case of Cuban 5 political prisoners in the US.
From March 5- 8 Ambassador Garmendía will be speaking at a number of public events on the theme of “Cuba Today”, as well as about the case of the “Cuban 5,” political prisoners held in U.S. jails for over 15 years. These events are taking place in Vancouver (March 5 and 8), Nanaimo (March 6), Kamloops (March 7) and Victoria (March 8).
The Ambassador will be in British Columbia by request of the Free the Cuban 5 Committee – Vancouver and Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) to participate in events honouring the 100th consecutive monthly picket action in front of the U.S. Consulate for freedom of the 5 Cuban prisoners on March 5, 2020. International actions and events are being organized in solidarity with this unique and important event, including actions in different cities across Canada and internationally.
To arrange for interviews with Ambassador Garmendía please phone 604.719.6947 or e-mail .
Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver
Solidarity Activists Honour Vancouver’s 100th Monthly Picket Action for Freedom of Cuban 5 Heroes in Canada – March 5 – 8, 2020
Vancouver will honour the 100th consecutive monthly picket action in front of the U.S. Consulate for freedom for ALL of the 5 Cuban Heroes on March 5, 2020. International actions and events are being organized in solidarity with this unique and important event, including actions in different cities across Canada and internationally.
It has been over 8 years since the first picket action in front of the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver. 100 consecutive months of pickets have brought workers, students, retired people, peace and justice loving people from all walks of life to the door of the U.S. government in Vancouver to demand freedom for our 5 Cuban Heroes.
Each person that organizes and attends the pickets gives their passion, energy and voice to the international call for freedom of Antonio, Ramon, Fernando and Rene. However, there is one organizer who will have been at 95 of 100 pickets, Nestor Ortero, a retired construction worker from Spain. When he speaks at a picket action, his voice does not come only from his throat, but from his very heart. His voice carries its way to the U.S. Consulate more loud and clear then any other, “Free, Free the Cuban 5!”
The Free the Cuban 5 Committee – Vancouver will be organizing a series of events and actions in Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada from March 5 – 8, 2020, honouring the occasion of the 100th consecutive monthly picket action for all of the Cuban 5. March 5th, 2020 has also been called as an international day when our united voices for their freedom will echo across Canada and the U.S. through Europe and Latin America and across the world.
Visit for updates.
With more unity and a consistent campaign, together, let’s make 2020 the year to free ALL the Cuban 5!
Comité de Vancouver por la Liberación de los Cinco (Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver)
Activistas solidarios en Canadá se honrarán la protesta mensual numero 100 en Vancouver por la Libertad de los 5 Cubanos héroes
el 5 hasta el 8 de marzo 2020
Vancouver honrará la acción mensual consecutiva número 100 frente al Consulado de los EE.UU. por la libertad para todos los 5 Héroes Cubanos , el 5 de marzo de 2020. Acciones y eventos internacionales se están organizando en solidaridad con este evento único e importante, que incluye acciones en diferentes ciudades de Canadá como a nivel internacional .
Han pasado más de 8 años desde la primera acción de la protesta frente al Consulado de los EE.UU. en Vancouver. 100 meses consecutivos de protestas han traído trabajadores, estudiantes, jubilados, la genta de paz y justicia, amante de todos los ámbitos de la vida a la puerta del gobierno de los EE.UU. en Vancouver para exigir la liberación de nuestros 5 Héroes Cubanos.
Cada persona que organiza y asiste a las protestas da su pasión, la energía y la voz al llamamiento internacional por la liberación de Antonio, Ramón, Fernando y René. Sin embargo, no es uno de los organizadores que han estado a 95 de 100 piquetes, Néstor Ortero, un trabajador de la construcción retirado de España. Cuando habla de que una protesta, su voz no viene sólo de su garganta, pero desde su mismo corazón. Su voz lleva su camino hacia el consulado de EE.UU. más fuerte y claro que cualquier otro, “¡Libertad, libertad, libertad para los 5! ”
El Comité de Vancouver por la Liberación de los Cinco organizará una serie de eventos y acciones en Vancouver y Columbia Británica, Canadá, del 5 hasta el 8 de marzo de 2020, en honor a la ocasión de la acción de protestas mensual consecutiva número 100 para todos lde os 5 Cubanos . El 5 de marzo 2020 también ha sido llamado como un día internacional cuando nuestras voces unidas por su libertad se hagan eco a través de Canadá y los EE.UU. a través de Europa y América Latina y en todo el mundo.
Visita para actualizaciones.
Con una mayor unidad y una campaña coherente, juntos, vamos a hacer el año 2020 para liberar a todos los 5 Cubanos !
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